Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mistake Learning

One of the hardest dances in life, is learning how to face conflict. We learn more from those with whom we disagree, than from the pandering friends that applaud our every whim. We can only get better when we stop getting bitter in the face of the disapproval that comes with conflict. It's so hard not to fight against it. Embracing conflict means to see conflict as an opportunity to see ourselves and others more clearly, as we learn to face our foibles and the faults of others. Nothing feels better, in the long run, than actually learning from our mistakes. Conflict remains a part of life, and dealing with it makes all things better in the short run, and in the long run. Life is only as rich as our ability to face and deal with our conflict, because ultimately that is dealing with life as an adult, not as a child. As the old saying goes.. "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."

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