Sunday, December 30, 2012

Life is Everything

Endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings. The life that is lived "in transition" IS life. No one arrives. There are no destinations. Conclusion is delusion, as the mind must remain open to all things and be focused on what is often overlooked as "the getting ready". You're already there; BE there. Look around. Look with an open heart and be grateful that you were born into a body and brain that can, in its own exceptional way, experience nature with all its love and mystery. Using as many senses as you possess, smell, taste, touch, see, and hear yourself and all the wonderful things that spawned your existence. Start with water, plants, food, gravity, dirt, air, and the great emotions that anticipate yet another day of life. Remain firmly and reverently aware that it will all end and change into something else someday, but also that this is only the start. Avoid distractions. Want what you already have. Life, in and of itself, is everything.

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