Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Never to Late to Learn to Play Music

We now know that it's never to late to learn to play a musical instrument. In these modern times of 24/7 information, and YouTube. com instruction, there remains no more excuses. Start online and move to private instruction, but start. Pick an instrument and start. Ignore the reaction of others. Ignore your "i-can't-ness", grow your "I can" into "I will" into "I am". It will transform your consciousness of music from the audience to the stage, and enhance one of the greatest passions of your life.. music. Take the time, find the time. Don't go to the grave only a mere spectator. Even if you only learn one song, and only play it in private, the benefits to you will be great. Music is for everyone, not just the select few. Fall in love with it on a whole new level. Get your hands and feet involved, and feel the power it can bring to you, your world, your mind, your body. Nothing can enhance your life, brain, emotions, and sense of well being like the creative process. You CAN do it!
Yes YOU! ;-)

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