Monday, March 12, 2012

Is the "Free Market" Sacred?

     Talking of the "free market", in almost sacred terms, seems delusional in my opinion. We need a more measured look at our culture as it is NOW and how growth happens NOW. Those who taut the market as sacred, seduce the public into falsely thinking that "individualism" is THE only cure to what ails us. Individualism really only works when ALL individuals are empowered, not just the chosen few who can afford to "tilt the table" and "rig the game" of government to meet their own needs. The Ayn Rand mantra ignores the fact that rarely has anything of significance ever been accomplished by just one person. Progress happens historically through the open sharing of ideas and talents in a process of collaborative creativity; the real "free" market of innovation. The very essence of art and technology is built and woven by people who think  and discover together in a process whose paradigm is long term "value", not just short term "profit". Liberty is great IF it involves more than basking in our own personal freedom, or in what all the founding fathers did for us  to make us "THE greatest country on earth". Please! Why doesn't the fact that we live in a completely different era from our founding fathers ever occur to so many so-called "conservatives"? Is there something wrong with advice from people who are actually still alive? Does being dead make you wise all of a sudden? Real freedom, to me, is living a life that will matter now AND after you're gone; changing lives, not merely creating jobs. It's more noble in the end to seek your life's passion in a profession; not just to find a job.
   Greed is corrupting the intent of public policy right now. It will continue to do so until we demand "responsible" government, not just a "smaller" government that becomes undefined in its scope. We must discontinue the policies that give many of the most corporate criminals of our society even more incentive to continue in their "business as usual" patterns. Some of our citizenry has been duped for decades through corporate parenthood and its empty promises. Live your own life, take care of your own body and health, and work with your own hands for starters. We need to stop letting the fright wing corporatists blame the sad victims of their rigged games of policy. Start blaming those who really DO live off of our culture and environment like parasites, all in the name of the almighty "free market", "national security", or worst of all, in the name of the "bottom line"! Human progress is necessary for our survival, and for a sound economy! I believe in what we can do together by solving problems through a government that can work for our common good and raise the bar for the country, and not just for a select few.
   Thinking that "our best days are ahead" is an evolved notion, not a naïve one; regardless of the blaring fear horns, the deafening war drums, and the pious god-nobbing of those who have become disconnected from their greatest asset, a well intended imagination. We're better than this as a species and as a country. I believe in government because I believe in US and the U.S. and what we can do together as a diverse population; not as an electorate falsely divided by politics to benefit only those with the most power, money, influence, or desire to rule all of us in the end. Do not listen to the partisan spin from any side of politics before first looking at the damage both sides have done to all of us in the name of "freedom" and the almighty "free market". 


  1. Good ole Ayn Rand. Beat the whole "power of the individual" drum so loudly, then did a complete 180 and took Medicare and Social Security late in life when the healthcare consequences of her two-pack-a-day cig habit caught up with her. At least she finally came around and made Jeff's point for us...bravo dear, bravo.
